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The Curse of the Man in White "Slender's woods"

By user avatarMRFAUCHEUR_YT


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After your wife left, your life in the city unbearable and you decide to stay a short while at your parents abandoned house in the woods. Everything was just fine until one night when you heard strange noise outside. When the protagonist goes outside to check whats is causing the noise, Slender Man appears briefly and from there on it is a matter of life and death. Notes spread across the woods tell the story of Cody Farrior, another person that tried to escape Slender Man and the player now walks in his.

Level Information

Uploaded in: LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4/PS5
Heart count: 209
First published: 2017-03-07 15:15:20
Last updated: 2017-08-18 20:11:07